
Showing posts from April, 2011

vietnam - ethnic minorities

retlaw snellac posted a photo: Khang woman with typical headdress. The Khang live in houses built on stilts, with three rooms. Each house has two kitchens, one kitchen is used to cook daily meals and the other is used to warm and cook meals which are offered to worship dead parents. Khang marriage ceremonies go through three steps. First, a marriage proposal is made. Next, parental approval is sought; and finally the wedding occurs. The first stage is held for the groom's family and the second stage is held in order to accompany the bride to her husband's home. Khang language belongs to the Mon-Khmer Group. Khang women dye their teeth black and chew betel like the Thai. The Khang mainly practice slash-and-burn cultivation using traditional techniques such as digging holes and planting seeds in these holes. They grow sticky rice which serves as their food staple. Their weaving products include chairs, baskets, flat baskets, suitcases, packs, and wooden boats. The Khang also g

vt456 flower hmong

retlaw snellac posted a photo:

vietnam - ethnic minorities

retlaw snellac posted a photo: Kho Mu tribal woman. The Kho Mu still live a nomadic lifestyle. Their houses are built with temporary and rudimentary materials and have very little furniture. The husband must live with his wife's family for one year after marriage. Marriage between the same lineages is strictly forbidden. The Kho Mu believe in the existence of spirits. The heavens, the sound of thunder, the earth, the forests, and the field are all assisted by spirits. The worshipping of spirits of the village and of ancestors is very common. They also pray for bumper harvests and good annual production. The Kho Mu language belongs to the Mon-Khmer Group. A rich heritage of tradition and culture can be found in this ethnic group. The garments of the Kho Mu resemble the Thai group, but the women's ornaments are unique to this group. The Kho Mu live on slash-and-burn cultivation, hunting, and gathering. Basketry is also a very developed skill among the members of this group.

Small Town in Tibet

reurinkjan posted a photo: Like to see the pictures as LARGE as your screen? Just click on this Slideshow : Nyachuka county. The Nya chu (Yalong), (known as the Dza chu near its source) emerges from the once impenetrable and inhospitable Nyarong gorge at Pundarong, the capital of Nyachuka county, which broods over the eddying silted waters of the Nya chu (Yalong). The county has 27 monasteries representing diverse traditions - 12 of them are Sakya, 6 are Geluk, 4 are Kagyu, 3 are Nyingma and 2 are Bon. Area: 6.732 sq km.

Mukubal Kid Doing High Jumping, Angola

Eric Lafforgue posted a photo: Mucubal people are a subgroup of the Herero ethnic group, which means they are bantu speaking, and are supposed to have come from Kenya and to be related with Massais. They are semi nomadic pastoralists living of cattle raising and agriculture. They live in a large area between the slopes of Chela Mounts in the north, and River Cunene to the south, where they are believed to have stopped during the Herero migration, about 300 years ago. Mucubal people have some very specific customs and traditions. They don't know their own age and only are interested in cattle and do not care of the rest of the world outside of the bush. Mucubals are not allowed to mention peoples name in public, except their parents one, and childrens name in general. A married couple is not allowed to talk to each other in public, as long as the wife hasnt had children. They only can speak to each other in private. Men and women have specific and separated roles in Mucubal socie

Cho la ri Range ,Tibet

reurinkjan posted a photo: Like to see the pictures as LARGE as your screen? Just click on this Slideshow : The ascent to the watershed Tro La pass or Cho la pass, with an altitude of 4864 m, northeast of Derge (the Derge county capital), is precipitous and switchback, gradually rising above the tree line into a world of jagged snow mountains. There are magnificent views of the Dri chu (Yangtze) gorge to the southwest. On the far side of Tro La, the landscape is totally different, the enclosed forested valleys giving way to rugged open grassland. The crossroads town of Manigango is located in the grassland, 110 km from Derge, and 41 km from Tro La pass.

Rehearsing - Chenai (Madras)

Rene Collin posted a photo: St Thomas Cathedral, where is supposed to be located the grave of the apostle...

Urs at Nizamuddin Hazrat Aulia's Dargah. India

fredcan posted a photo: A fakir lady is dancing at the sound of drums in a fakirs' den, during Urs festival, celebrating Sufi saint Nizamuddin Hazrat Aulia's death anniversary , in New Delhi. The whole set (in progress) and story, here:

Ghademis girl - Libya

Eric Lafforgue posted a photo: Ghademis girl Libya Eric Lafforgue

The sacred Mount Zhara Lhatse 5820m at sunset, Tibet

reurinkjan posted a photo: Like to see the pictures as LARGE as your screen? Just click on this Slideshow : High peaking above the graslands is the snow-covered peak of Mt Zhara Lhatse with a unique sharp pointed shape of 5820m hight. On this picture: the Jinlong Gonpa monastery, just visible in the shadow. This mountain is also strongly connected with the stories of Guru Rinpoche (Padmasambhava). Lhagang is surrounded by five holy mountains : Chenresig, Jambayang, Chana Dorje and Drolma, and to the north, the snow mountain called Zhara. Because it is surrounded by these holy mountains, it is a special and blessed place. Sacred Mountains__________________________________________ Sacredpeaks of snow and ice, bare rock and slate or grass-covered ranges are found throughout the Tibetan Plateau. Among them, the most important focal points for Buddhist and Bon pilgrimage are Mount Kailash in Ngari, Mounts Amnye Machen and Ny

Kabul, Afghanistan

Michal Przedlacki posted a photo: A boy taking rest from hunting kites in Kabul's Nadir Shah tomb area. If you catch a falling kite you can sell it back to vendor that provides kites for their runners. That makes a large group of children run through cemetery, over which kites are flown, competing in catching them. December 2010, Kabul, Afghanistan. Home to 5 mln Afghans, scene to some of the most brutal warfare of XX century, when Hezb--e-Islami, Massoud and Hazara militias fought between themselves for the domination in Afghanistan, city under Taleban rule between 1996-2001, city under Soviet rule between 1979-1989. The city of grey.

Closer to God. India

fredcan posted a photo: A prayer to Hanuman at the Meenakshi Temple, Madurai, Tamil Nadu.

We'll never walk alone

oeyvind posted a photo: Former Japan captain Hidetoshi Nakata (C) of the Take Action Foundation, bows with teammates from the Albirex Niigata Singapore selection after a charity match against S.League All Stars at the Jalan Besar Stadium in Singapore April 2, 2011. The match was to raise funds for the Japanese earthquake and tsunami relief efforts. REUTERS/Tim Chong

Newtown Gasometer

goddessofxanadu (back very soon!!) posted a photo: The old Victorian gasometer behind the the rows of two-up / two downs that line the roads of Newtown. It is a curious old structure, with much magic and affection lent to it by the folks of cemetery Junction where it has lived for well over a century.

Ashura observance, Kabul, Afghanistan

Michal Przedlacki posted a photo: A boy having a break from serving tea in one of stalls celebrating Hussein the Martyr. After middleeasttravel: Hussein the Martyr lived c. 626-680 AD. He was the second son of Ali and Fatima, the daughter of Mohammed. In the tumultuous years after the death of the Prophet Mohammed, many factions took turns being in power of the region. In 680, it came down to Yazid and Hussein. Yazid was a man who did not uphold the strict standards of Islam, and as the ruler of the region, he lead the nation after his perverse ways. Hussein was now the head of the household of the Prophet, and looked around at the nation of Islam. The Muslims refused to stand up to Yazid and were quickly reverting back to their Pre-Islamic traditions. Hussein could not stand for this any longer, and he stood up against Yazid and warned the Ummah, or community of believers, of the evil in which they were. For the most part, the Ummah did not listen to Hussein. However, Yazid could n

The Placard, Tibet

reurinkjan posted a photo: Like to see the pictures as LARGE as your screen? Just click on this Slideshow : In front of the Derge Parkhang Printing Press. The town of Derge (or Dege) is famous for its three-storey printing house, or parkhang, built in 1729, where Kangyur, a collection of Buddhist scriptures and Tengyur, a collection of commentaries, are still printed from wooden blocks. It was established during the reign of Derge king Tenpa Tsering. The printing house, run by monks, continues to use its ancient techniques and uses no electricity. The roof is used for drying the printed sheets. It has been estimated that the 217,000 blocks stored at Derge comprise 70% of the Tibetan literary heritage. Derge knows all. It is the most incredible thing in the whole entire planet. DERGE can be anything you want it to be The town also contains several historic Tibetan monasteries, notably the Gongchen Monastery. en.wikipedia.or

The Pamphlet, Tibet

reurinkjan posted a photo: Like to see the pictures as LARGE as your screen? Just click on this Slideshow : In front of the Derge Parkhang Printing Press. The town of Derge (or Dege)is famous for its three-storey printing house, or parkhang, built in 1729, where Kangyur, a collection of Buddhist scriptures and Tengyur, a collection of commentaries, are still printed from wooden blocks. It was established during the reign of Derge king Tenpa Tsering. The printing house, run by monks, continues to use its ancient techniques and uses no electricity. The roof is used for drying the printed sheets. It has been estimated that the 217,000 blocks stored at Derge comprise 70% of the Tibetan literary heritage. Derge knows all. It is the most incredible thing in the whole entire planet. DERGE can be anything you want it to be The town also contains several historic Tibetan monasteries, notably the Gongchen Monastery.

Veiled woman in Salalah - Oman

Eric Lafforgue posted a photo: This is a real challenge to take picture of the omani women wearing niqab or burka without a 300mm zoom! This lady from Salalah accepted after she saw her friend coming back to her with a Polaroid.Like her, many women in Oman tend to put some cream on their faces to the skin more white, as men prefer it to the black one. Few years ago, black people were still slaves in Oman, so like in Africa, many women use those dangerous creams that can lead to skin cancer... I just sniffed the cream, and was nearly blind! Eric Lafforgue

Behind bars. India

fredcan posted a photo: I must admit the sight of this magnificent creature chained behind bars in the dark was very sad. And believe me, its eyes spoke. It sucks to be a sacred animal in India sometimes. Inside the Ramanathaswamy Temple, Rameshwaram, Tamil Nadu.

Old Man With Kalpak Hat, Kochkor, Kyrgyzstan

Eric Lafforgue posted a photo: The official male hat for the Kyrgyz people. Made of embroidered wool with a felt lining, it deflects the summer sun rays but traps heat rising from the top of the head in the winter, making it an excellent all season hat. Eric Lafforgue

vt155 red dao

retlaw snellac posted a photo:
oeyvind posted a photo: Japanese soccer legend Hidetoshi Nakata (C) takes part in a training session with players of Albirex Niigata Singapore, a Japanese team in the local Singapore professional league, at the Jalan Besar Stadium in Singapore April 1, 2011. Nakata will play in a charity match Saturday to raise money for the Japanese earthquake and tsunami relief efforts. REUTERS/Tim Chong

A day at the Gate. India

fredcan posted a photo: Family is everything in India. On a Sunday afternoon at India Gate, New Delhi.