
Showing posts from September, 2011

Girly solidarity copy

goddessofxanadu posted a photo: The bride with her two bridesmaids, in the brides hideaway - a rather luxurious suite they had booked to get ready in.Quite like the the dark haired bride framed by the two blondes!

The fairest of 'em all

goddessofxanadu posted a photo: The bride goes all fairytale on me. Added a bit of glow to enhance the effect. Nice frothy dress.

"Help" or "No Photo" ? Hamhung North Korea

Eric Lafforgue posted a photo: Hamhung is the main chemical city in North Korea. The local guide told me there is no pollution in the town...I explained her that in my town, Toulouse, we had the same kind of chemical factory, and it made 30 deaths 10 years ago when everything exploded...She told me it was not possible in North Korea. The weather was bad, and everything looked dull and sad... Eric Lafforgue

After "stupa", "chorten" is the most commonly encountered English term. Tibet

reurinkjan posted a photo: Nakarts county. The county of Nakartse is a vast high altitude depression containing the two largest lakes in Southern Tibet: Phuma Yutso and Yamdrok Yutso. Along with Trigu Lake, these form a natural barrier between the Yarlung Tsangpo (Brahmaputra) valley to the north and the watershed passes of Lhodrak to the south. The county capital is located at Nakartse. Area: 7.660 sq km.

Laura and Danny's wedding

goddessofxanadu posted a photo: Laura and Danny got married on Thursday, so I thought I would post a couple of we have the sometimes dodgy both-under-the-veil shot. Think it worked okay here, although ideally the crease in the veil would not be across his eyes, and I guess clipping the top like that is not ideal...bah, theres always something.

Old north korean woman - Pyongyang North North Korea

Eric Lafforgue posted a photo: Teeth are missing, but not the Kim Il Sung badge...A smiling north korean, yes, you can see some! Eric Lafforgue

Tibet 2011

reurinkjan posted a photo: Call up on us.

Shady beach. India

fredcan posted a photo: I wouldn't mind being there now. Havelock's beach #5, Andaman Islands. website - facebook - book preview


Eric Lafforgue posted a photo:

Tsamay man and his cows - Ethiopia

Eric Lafforgue posted a photo: Also known as Tsemako or Tsamay, the Tsemay belong to the lowland east Cushitic family in which the Dassanatch and the Arbore are also part. Tsemay live as agro pastoralist and are only 10,000 people. Their neighbors include the Konso to the east, the Bana - Bashada group to the west, the Male to the north, and the Arbore to the south. The Tsemay society does not have a custom, which emphasizes on the availability of girls virginity until their official day of mariage but their culture strictly prohibits the girls from bearing a child out of this relation. Excepting their honeymoon time, Tsemay couples do not eat together at home from the same plate for the whole of their life. The traditional costume of the Tsemay women involves a leather outfit. While married women's leather apron is wide and can cover both sides of the legs, that of the unmarried is a short skirt with a long v-shaped leather apron which is only enough to cover the backs of the le

Kung Fu fighting in North Korea

Eric Lafforgue posted a photo: september 2011 3 years after my first visit i came back in Chonsam farm, a place where thousands of tourist come each year. I found the same family, with the same houses. Nothing changed but the attitude of the kids, less shy than in 2008, like this one, pausing as a kung fu (or Tae Kwon Do ) fighter. Chonsam farm, Wonsan area Eric Lafforgue

Bihar - India

Rene Collin posted a photo: On the ground that Buddha walked...

Lamu women - Kenya

Eric Lafforgue posted a photo: Not really easy to take pictures of the muslim women in Lamu! For this picture, there was just a little window on the left that allowed few light inside the room... Eric Lafforgue

Bihar - India

Rene Collin posted a photo:

Under the Bodhi Tree

Rene Collin posted a photo: Where Siddhartha Gautama, the Buddha, attained enlightenment. Bodh Gaya - India

Maulidi festival - Lamu Kenya

Eric Lafforgue posted a photo: Prayer thanking Allah during the muslim Maulidi festival in Lamu island, Kenya, where i was in february for a BBC assignment. Eric Lafforgue

Mahabodi Temple

Rene Collin posted a photo: Where Siddhartha Gautama, the Buddha, attained enlightenment. Bodh Gaya - India

Under the Bodhi Tree

Rene Collin posted a photo: A girl from Cambodia is offering her hairs to the Buddha. Bodh Gaya - India

Man and his grandson, Chechnya

Michal Przedlacki posted a photo: In one of heavily bombed villages on the Russian-Georgian border, in R.F. border zone.

Under the Bodhi Tree

Rene Collin posted a photo: A girl from Cambodia is offering her hairs to the Buddha Bodh Gaya - India

Ganga. India

fredcan posted a photo: Morning activity on the Ganges at Rana Mahal Ghat, Varanasi (Benares), Uttar-Pradesh. website - facebook - book preview