
Showing posts from August, 2010

Day 112.

(Jt)... bustling again! posted a photo: To stand. During times of adversity, station up is many important. Have we ever run a mile? Two? If we are perplexing to run two, as well as stop after one, a second becomes twice as difficult. we recollect revelation my father that we was planning upon relocating to korea as well as dump out of law school for a "vacation." He responded with something I'll never forget: "Son, do we know why many initial time amateur marathon runners do not succeed? (I replied with something about improper training) No, it's since during a little point after a initial 10 miles they confirm they need to break. Starting again after interlude is most harder then continuing." At first, we thought this was rsther than cheesy, but, now we see a wisdom. During adverse times a single contingency mount strong, fight. I'm not using a marathon. Standing is a conflict for me during this moment, as well as I'm gonna keep upon standing. No

Tibetan nomads, known as (ndrogba)

reurinkjan posted a photo: Like to see a pictures as Large as your screen? Than because not click upon a Slideshow : Nomads has to move ,so a catle has new as well as fresh gras. Taking all they own as well as put it upon a backs of yaks as well as horses. For a Tibetan nomads, life is in truth a struggle in a harsh environment of a tall plateau: A place where a belligerent as well as winds have been in incessant motion. It is a place where temperatures range from a low of -40 degrees Fahrenheit to around 60 degrees Fahrenheit in a summer. The yak is a key to survival upon a Tibetan plateau. A revisit to a nomad's tent illustrates this point. The tent itself is done from yak hair. Upon entering, a center of a tent is warmed by a fire of yak dung. The tent is illuminated by yak butter candles, as well as their blankets have been done from yak hair. The principle diet includes tsampa as well as yak butter, dried yak chee

Day 111.

(Jt)... busy again! posted the photo: Childhood isn't an set of numbers dynamic by time, but the state of mind not mostly recaptured. If we are propitious enough to do so, delight it, as life, is many positively the set of numbers dynamic by time.

india - ladakh and zanskar

retlaw snellac posted a photo: At a connection of a Zanskar and a Indus river; in front a Zanskar river, upon your left a red-coloured Indus river.

The sadhu's rest. India

fredcan posted a photo: A sadhu is taking a rest on a banks of a Ganges, during Maha Kumbh mela 2010, in Haridwar. Lying on his blanket, he uses his jhola (bag) as a pillow, while his brass kamandal used for ablutions as well as opposite rituals sits next to him. Those have been his usually possessions.

Yilhun Lha tso 4110 m

reurinkjan posted a photo: If you similar to to see a cinema as Large as your screen than take a Slideshow : Yilhun Lha tso 3970m a beautiful lake and Trola ri (Rongme Ngatra),6168m with a glacier. Along a shores of Yilhun Lha tso a Tibetan horserider. The landscapes in Tibet amazes me everytime where ever we go on a Tibetan Plateau, , These Abies squamata forests strech up on top of 4600m here. Spruce-fir timberland tree line reaches this height from Derge to Chamdo, a top spruce-fir timberland tree line in a world. Only junipers (Juniperus thibetica) will climb aloft in central Tibet.

Ramos Fruit's Shop

Jeffrey K. Edwards posted a photo: At a end of a day, many folks lend towards to congregate around these tiny convenience stands along a main highway in between Corozal and Belize City, no matter what encampment we have been passing through. Most people lend towards to emporium every day for necessities and dont always have refrigeration available. Regardless, it is some-more a amicable thing than anything else this time.the guys, you do what guys do. What strikes me about this picture is how most is starting on, when nobody is you do anything. All was good, only a Friday afternoon in Belize. I suggest seeking at a large image, to try and locate a couple of of a quirky details... Captured with: D700, 24-70mm @ f/2.8, 1/500, ISO 640, 55mm. Single image, hand processed to taste in PS/LR/Nik software.

Day 108. "Perspective."

(Jt)... busy again! posted a photo: Still traveling. I'll shortly be back. Rounding up my goodbyes to friends around a country. This whole experience, on top of all else, has since me perspective. It allowed me a event to look at my hold up from a distance, objectively. we can right away see as well as conclude a lot of a peripheral things we never had time for, nor felt we indispensable to waste time on. we satisfied my hold up hasn't been symmetrical, which it has too most relocating parts. All we know is now, we have a clear idea of where we need to go, as well as a trail we need to get there.

The Rugged Peaks of the Tro la ri Range, Tibet

reurinkjan posted a photo: Like to see a pictures as Large as your screen? Than because not take a Slideshow : The ascent to a watershed Tro La pass, with an rise of 4864 m, northeast of Derge (the Derge county capital), is steep as well as switchback, progressively rising above a tree line into a universe of angled sleet mountains. There are magnificent views of a Dri chu (Yangtze) gorge to a southwest. On a far side of Tro La, a landscape is totally different, a enclosed forested valleys giving approach to imperishable open grassland. The crossroads locale of Manigango is located in a grassland, 110 km from Derge, as well as 41 km from Tro La pass.

angkor wat sunrise, cambodia

gavin.burnett posted a photo: This sunrise was taken a second time to an Angkor Wat as well as you were rewarded with great colours usually prior to sunrise. Angkor Wat (or Angkor Vat) is a Hindu church formidable during Angkor, Cambodia, built for a aristocrat Suryavarman II in a early 12th century as his state church as well as part of his capital city. As a best-preserved church during a site, it is a usually one to have remained a significant eremite centre since its substructure initial Hindu, dedicated to a god Vishnu, afterwards Buddhist. The church is a summary of a tall exemplary style of Khmer architecture. It has become a pitch of Cambodia, appearing on its inhabitant flag, as well as it is a country's budding captivate for visitors. twitter Gavin Burnett

Maha Kumbh mela pilgrims. India

fredcan posted a photo: A pilgrim at one of a camps, during Maha Kumbh mela 2010, in Haridwar.

Kawa Karpo (Meili) Mountain Range

reurinkjan posted a photo: Meili Snow Mountain range kha ba dkar po - important religious institution in khams - a deer of a {kha ba dkar po} mountain, a nunnery in Khams, mt in SE Tibet - a deer of a {kha ba dkar po} mountain. 2) n. of a nunnery in Khams. 2) a towering in S.E. Tibet. Sacred Mountains__________________________________________ Sacredpeaks of sleet as good as ice, unclothed rock as good as line-up or grass-covered ranges have been found via a Tibetan Plateau. Among them, a most important focal points for Buddhist as good as Bon event have been Mount Kailash in Ngari, Mounts Amnye Machen as good as Nyenpo Yurtse in Golok, Mount Kawa Karpo in Dechen, Mount Zhara Lhatse in Minyak, Mount Dakpa Shelri in Tsari, Mount Bonri in Kongpo, Mount Yarlha Shampo in Yarlung, Mount Nyenchen Tangla near Lake Namtso Chukmo, Mount Lapchi Gang along with other perennial sleet massifs in a Himalayan range. During a event season, these peaks as good as their tip grottoes have been circ

Sengeshong Magotsang stupa, Tibet

reurinkjan posted a photo: Like to see a cinema as Large as your screen? Than why not take a Slideshow : Tibetan Buddhism is a physique of Buddhist religious doctrine as well as institutions characteristic of Tibet as well as certain regions of a Himalayas, including northern Nepal, Bhutan, as well as India (particularly in Arunachal Pradesh, Ladakh, Dharamsala, Lahaul as well as Spiti in Himachal Pradesh, as well as Sikkim). It is additionally practiced in Mongolia as well as tools of Russia (Kalmykia, Buryatia, as well as Tuva) as well as Northeast China. It includes a teachings of a 3 vehicles of Buddhism: a Foundational Vehicle, Mahayana, as well as Vajrayana. In a arise of a 1959 Tibetan uprising, a Tibetan diaspora has done Tibetan Buddhism some-more at large permitted to a rest of a world. Tibetan Buddhism has given spread to most Western countries, where a convention has gained popularity. "The figure of a stu

Lisa Holm Sorensen (LPGA Professional) S4C Wales Championship of Europe

Cj Roberts posted a photo: A departure today from inlet as well as landscapes we went to Conwy Golf club to watch a S4C Wales Championship of Europe, a professional tour event on a LPGA circuit. The standard was high as well as here Lisa Holm Sorensen of Denmark can be seen exiting a fort on a standard 3 second. She finished a day in 5th place.

Nyingma-pa monks, Tibet

reurinkjan posted a photo: Like to see a cinema as Large as your screen? Than why not click upon a Slideshow : The Nyingma convention is a oldest of a four major schools of Tibetan Buddhism (the alternative 3 being a Kagyu, Sakya as well as Gelug). "Nyingma" literally means "ancient," as well as is mostly referred to as a "school of a ancient translations" or a "old school" since it is founded upon a initial translations of Buddhist scriptures from Sanskrit into Tibetan, in a eighth century. The Tibetan book as well as grammar was essentially created for this endeavour. In complicated times a Nyingma lineage has been centered in Kham in eastern Tibet.

YOG Fireworks

oeyvind posted a photo: Fireworks explode during a opening rite of a inaugural Youth Olympic Games at a Marina Bay floating height in Singapore August 14, 2010. REUTERS/Tim Chong

Sunburst in Glencoe

Scottish Nomad posted a photo: View a full 360 from the same spot:

Shivraj Giri. India

fredcan posted a photo: Naga sadhu Shivraj Giri, at his camp, during a Maha Kumbh mela 2010, in Haridwar.

stupa, polonnaruwa, sri lanka

gavin.burnett posted a photo: Large stone forged stupa (Kiri Vehera) in a world birthright site in polonnurawa, sri lanka Polonnurawa-located at a stretch of 216 km from Colombo-was a collateral of Sri Lanka in Gothic times. Used by a Sri Lankan kings as a 'country residence' from a 7th century, Polonnurawa became Sri Lanka's collateral in a 11th century AD. twitter Gavin Burnett

Tro La Ri range,Tibet , Kham , Derge county

reurinkjan posted a photo: Like to see a pictures as Large as your screen? Than because not take a Slideshow : The ascent to a watershed Tro La pass, with an rise of 4864 m, northeast of Derge (the Derge county capital), is steep as well as switchback, gradually taking flight on top of a tree line into a world of jagged snow mountains. There are pretentious views of a Dri chu (Yangtze) gorge to a southwest. On a far side of Tro La, a landscape is totally different, a enclosed forested valleys giving way to imperishable open grassland. The crossroads locale of Manigango is located in a grassland, 110 km from Derge, as well as 41 km from Tro La pass.

Y Lliwedd (from the slopes of Snowdon, Miners Track)

Cj Roberts posted a photo: Y Lliwedd is a mountain, connected to Yr Wyddfa (Snowdon) in a Snowdonia National Park, North Wales. Its limit lies 2,946 ft (898 m) on top of sea level. The eastern flanks have been steep cliffs taking flight on top of Glaslyn as well as Llyn Llydaw. Y Lliwedd is a most celebrated of a peaks for those who proceed Snowdon via a Miners' as well as Pyg tracks. Few which limit Snowdon continue over to Y Lliwedd as a plea of Wales' top peak is enough, withdrawal Y Lliwedd quiet as well as pacific even when queues have been forming at a limit of Snowdon. Hikers as well as mountaineers often pass over Y Lliwedd when on foot a Snowdon Horseshoe. The noted British traveller George Mallory undertook many of his early climbs here. It was also a site of substantial training wake up for a 1953 British Everest Expedition. The north face of Y Lliwedd was explored in a late 19th century as well as in 1909 was a subject of a initial British rock climbing guide, Th

Day 107.

(Jt)... busy again! posted a photo: Birthday in an airport. I'm ill of airports. My mother, whom I already miss dearly. I appreciate her for giving me hold up twenty-five years ago today. View On Black

Amnye Machen Mountain Range ri rgyud,Tibet

reurinkjan posted the photo: Like to see the pictures as Large as your screen? Than why not take the Slideshow : The Amnye Machen range, wich forms the large bend of the Ma chu ( Yellow River) , is the genealogical homeland of the Golok: and the sacred abode of the protector deity, Machen Pomra, revered by Bonpo and Buddists alike.

In the doorway - San Joaquin, Belize

Jeffrey K. Edwards posted a photo: Being a photographer is not about a camera or a technique, it is about what you have inside your mind. It is a sum of all your life practice as well as your indicate of view. Photography is not about a how, though about a why.... It is about a reason behind your images as well as not about a exposure or a focus. ~ Sephi Bergerson Captured with: D700, 70-200mm @ f/5.6, 1/200, ISO 640, 200mm. Natural pathway light in a encampment of San Joaquin.

Dom Lus Bridge

Frans Harren posted a photo: Dom Lus Bridge, Porto The Lus we Bridge (Ponte Lus I) is a metal physical condition overpass which spans a Douro River between a cities of Porto as good as Vila Nova de Gaia in Portugal. At a time of construction a span of 172 m was a longest of a sort in a world. The Government held a foe for a construction of a lead overpass over a Douro River upon a site which was adjacent to an existing overpass as good as would replace it. Tophile Seyrig had already engineered a D. Maria Pia Bridge project nearby, whilst working as a partner of Eiffel. He now took sole shortcoming for a new, vital Lus 1st Bridge. The construction was started in 1881 as good as a overpass opened upon 31 Oct 1886. * Total length 385.25 m * Weight 3045 tons * The physical condition measures 172 m in length as good as 44.6 m in height Originally built to take highway trade upon both decks, during various times it saw trams upon a upper as good as trolleybuses upon a lower. The tip ru

Gyps himalayensis , Himalayan Griffon, in Tibetan "mkha' la 'khor "

reurinkjan posted a photo: Like to see a pictures as Large as your screen? Than because not take a Slideshow : The Himalayan Griffon Vulture (Gyps himalayensis) ,Tibetan name is "mkha' la 'khor ", is an Old World vulture in a family Accipitridae, which also includes eagles, kites, buzzards as well as hawks. It is closely related to a European Griffon Vulture, G. fulvus. Adults have been 103-110 cm (41-43 inches) long, have a wingspan of 260-289 cm (102-114 inches) opposite a wings as well as weigh 812 kg (18-26.4 lbs). They have been a second largest Old World vulture, at a back of only a Aegypius monachus - Cinereous Vulture in size. It breeds upon crags in mountains in a Himalayas as well as Tibet, laying a singular egg. Birds might form lax colonies. The population is mostly resident. Like alternative vultures it is a scavenger, feeding mostly from carcasses of animals, which it finds by soaring over o

sadhus, varanasi, india

gavin.burnett posted a photo: Sadhus (holy men) sat on the ghats in Varanasi, India twitter Gavin Burnett

Lhagang, Tibet

reurinkjan posted a photo: Like to see a pictures as Large as your screen? Than why not click on a Slideshow : Lhagong in a Tung chu valley. The pastures to a north of a locale have been often a venue for equine festivals in a summer months. The locale is small,but very pleasing to be in ,some stores as well as restaurants scattered along a train route,with Sally`s Kham grill Snowland guesthouse it serves good food as well as stand in rooms.Sally`s Kham grill is only 50m from a Lhagang monastery. The full name of Lhagang Gompa is Minyag Lhagang Yongdzog Rabgi Lhakang Tongdrol Samdribling . It was built in a year 652 by a Tibetan king, Songtsen Gampo.At a time , a king built 108 temples all over Tibet as well as a final a single was Lhagang Gompa. It was afterwards called Yongdzog Rabgi Lhakang.

india - ladakh and zanskar

retlaw snellac posted a photo: The Indus river in a Dha valley (Ladakh).

Las Vegas Skyline

davidgardener posted a photo: NV, USA: The fantastic skyline of a Las Vegas frame as well as a desert landscape beyond, viewed from a south-east. Featuring a number of important road house casinos (roughly left to right): Caesar's Palace, Mirage, Venetian, Treasure Island, Trump, Wynn, Sahara as well as Stratosphere.

Our Life...Our Love

RomulusRueda posted the photo: Jason & Laurie : Engagement Photos Romulus Rueda August 2010 USA All Rights Reserved.

Day 105.

(Jt)... busy again! posted a photo: Cycles. When young, you run. We play. There is no obstacle you cannot take down, there is no summit too high to climb. The outward portion of the hold up is that of optimism, love, release. We give way apprehension, welcome change, delight experience.. Cycles. When center aged, old; you walk, you work. Optimism is transposed by need. Responsibility dampens the enterprise for change. We have been on foot with weight. We have been on foot to the end, encircling behind to face the finale. Life is short, sweet. Live it my friends, do not watch it pass. View On Black

Bihari workers. India

fredcan posted a photo: Workers from the Sate of Bihar, New Delhi. The total array (in progress) and outline here:

Grand Canyon at Dusk, Nevada

davidgardener posted a photo: NV, USA: Outer shallow of a Grand Canyon as well as Lake Mead locate in a evening sun, several miles east from a city of Las Vegas. best noticed large

Glencoe - Scotland's Centre of the Universe

Scottish Nomad posted a photo:

P8070098 Panorama

Scottish Nomad posted the photo: Summit of Meall a' Bhuiridh - Glencoe - 360

Day 104. "Clarity"

(Jt)... busy again! posted a photo: I wrote my last post about having impaired vision. It was true. My vision was impaired. The state of mind combined by tragic detriment is which of pain, struggle, confusion. we felt similar to we was saying all by damaged glass. Reflections, bits, pieces. Today, being out on a water, we felt alive for a initial time since it happened. Everything was clear. People we love, can verbalise to we even after they're gone. Things they've pronounced become some-more clear, make some-more sense. People call a sudden clarity of suspicion we gifted epiphany. we think my Dad is assisting me open my eyes to a path some-more obviously defined. Being home, saying all my family, have been all steps in a routine of gaining clarity in life. It's time to stop running, drifting. we skip him, and we regularly will. we will skip all about him, but many importantly, I'll skip his wisdom. Even if it took his death to make it clear. View On Black

Streets of Bangkok. Thailand

fredcan posted a photo: Sukhumvit, Bangkok.

Snow Land of Tibet bod yul gangs kyi ra ba.

reurinkjan posted a photo: Like to see a cinema as Large as your screen? Than because not click on a Slideshow : Tibet has varying elevations as well as geography. The Changtang (northern Plateau) is a single of a coldest, top (over 4400m) as well as many empty areas of Tibet. Winter here is a harshest in Tibet with temperatures mostly removing down to -30C (-22F) or colder. Freezing temperatures occur even in a summer there. Amdo (northeast Tibet) has huge rolling grasslands giving approach to tall towering ranges as well as is home to many nomads. While Amdo is not as tall as Changtang, winter is still prolonged as well as cold. With an normal elevation of over 3400m as well as sitting in a many northern segment of Tibet, winter can come early. Freezing temperatures have been usual by mid-Septemeber. Amdo also gets some-more snow than many regions of Tibet. If you have ever seen a picture of Tibetan nomads in snow, chanc

The Grand Canyon

davidgardener posted a photo: NV, USA: The mighty Colorado River flows at a bottom of a Grand Canyon, a world's many spectactular geological feature.Viewed from a helicopter several hundred feet upon top of a canyon building easterly of Lake Mead,on a Nevada/Arizona border.

White shoes for Tibetan Nomads ?

reurinkjan posted a photo: Like to see a pictures as Large as your screen? Than why not click upon a Slideshow : The economy of a Tibetan nomads is focused around pastoralism and, by extension, a exchange that have been subsequent from such. The lifeblood of a Tibetan nomads approach of hold up is subsequent from their container as well as flock animals; that need continuous confluence to seasonal migration routes: "Mobility is a evil of Tibetan winding production systems. Herds have been continually changed between different pastures to maintain operation land productivity. Tents, such as yak hair tents, capacitate Tibetans to pierce easily. Without a yak it is puzzled if people could survive in Tibet. In further to on condition that hair for tents, yaks additionally provide nap for clothing, bags as well as ropes. They have been milked as well as milk is made into butter as well as cheese. Their dung is used for fue

serbia - belgrade

retlaw snellac posted the photo: Football track of Partizan Belgrade. On 2010, Aug 18th as well as 24th, Champions League matches in between RSC Anderlecht as well as Partizan Belgrade.

Streets of Bangkok. Thailand

fredcan posted a photo: Siam Square, Bangkok.

Grozny, Chechnya

Dziadek od orzechow posted a photo: Chechen singers during the Young Stars competition in Grozny, winter 2006/2007, Chechnya.

From the county capital Derge towards Tro la ri pass,meanders the river Zhi chu

reurinkjan posted a photo: Like to see a pictures as Large as your screen? Than why not click upon a Slideshow : You can't transport for long in Kham but hearing about a mythological King Gesar of Ling. Though Tibetans from both Jyekundo (Yushu) as well as Golog lay explain as being a hearth of Gesar, a king was many expected innate upon a Axu grasslands in Dege, though it is impossible to know for sure. The Axu grasslands can simply be reached by car from a locale center. Derge sits in a wooded hollow during an betterment of 3200m/10,500 feet. It has a little of a many appropriate hiking in a Kham region. East of Dege about 100kms is a tiny locale of Manigango which is another stunning area with Mt Chola as well as Yilhun Lha Tso (Lake) to explore. Derge is remote as well as not easy to get to, but it is a single of a many extraordinary regions in Tibet. Dege is considered a cultural heart of Kham. It is a single of

Deprived. Thailand

fredcan posted a photo: Siam Square, Bangkok.

The Road to Zzyzx, California

davidgardener posted a photo: CA, USA: The Desert Highway (Interstate 15) from San Diego to Las Vegas passes by a settlement of Zzyzx, several miles south of a town of Baker. Zzyzx (pronounced Zy-zeks), before Soda Springs, is located in San Bernardino County. It is a former site of a Zzyzx Mineral Springs as well as Health Spa, as well as is now a home of a Desert Studies Center in a heart of a Mojave Desert.

india - ladakh and zanskar

retlaw snellac posted the photo: Ladakhi group in Lamayuru.

The Landscape around Taktsang Lhamo Tibet

reurinkjan posted a photo: Like to see a cinema as Large as your screen? Than because not take a Slideshow : At a time this weatherfront reached us you where to tall as well as to far away to find anny shelter, wet snow, tall winds conduct on, though I can usually remember a beauty of a light. Taktsang Lhamo (Langmusi in Chinese) is a beautiful small Tibetan locale straddling a Gansu-Sichuan border in easterly Amdo. While Rebkong as well as Labrang have been often farming areas, Taktsang Lhamo is often a nomadic region. Large herds of yaks as well as sheep can be found as well as Tibetans live in traditional style tents during a summer as well as fall. Two vast monasteries, Sertri as well as Kirti, have been in a area. The town, lying during 3300m, is surrounded by plateau which have been covered in sleet for many of a year. Taktsang Lhamo offers excellent horse movement by a grasslands as well as mountains. kekexili.typep

Dances of Somali Region

Dziadek od orzechow posted a photo: Woman behaving dhaanto dance upon a domestic rally in Afder Zone of Somali Region, Jun 2010. Gode was a collateral of a Somali Region from late 1992, to damp a powerful Ogaden house but in 1994 collateral was moved to Jijiga. Gode was determined in 1965 by Emperor Haile Selassie, who ordered construction of infantry base, well, mosque as well as church as well as laid a runway in this easternmost strip of Ethiopia. Before a begin of a Ogaden War (between Ethiopia as well as Somalia 1977-78), Gode was garrisoned by a 5th Brigade of a 4th Division, distributed around a locale in 5 infantry camps. Gode was captured by Somali side in a finish of Jul 1977. Brigadier-General Demisse Bulto, commander in chief of a Ethiopians First Revolutionary Army, recovered Gode by November 1980, as well as used a city as a single of a 3 bases to successfully transparent a rest of eastern Ethiopia of foreign Somali troops. Gode has been at a core of several devastatin