Gyps himalayensis , Himalayan Griffon, in Tibetan "mkha' la 'khor "

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Gyps himalayensis , Himalayan Griffon, in Tibetan

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The Himalayan Griffon Vulture (Gyps himalayensis) ,Tibetan name is "mkha' la 'khor ", is an Old World vulture in a family Accipitridae, which also includes eagles, kites, buzzards as well as hawks. It is closely related to a European Griffon Vulture, G. fulvus.

Adults have been 103-110 cm (41-43 inches) long, have a wingspan of 260-289 cm (102-114 inches) opposite a wings as well as weigh 812 kg (18-26.4 lbs). They have been a second largest Old World vulture, at a back of only a Aegypius monachus - Cinereous Vulture in size.

It breeds upon crags in mountains in a Himalayas as well as Tibet, laying a singular egg. Birds might form lax colonies. The population is mostly resident.

Like alternative vultures it is a scavenger, feeding mostly from carcasses of animals, which it finds by soaring over open areas as well as mountains. These birds often pierce in flocks.

The Himalayan Griffon Vulture is a typical vulture, with a bald white head, very broad wings, as well as reduced tail feathers. It is even larger than a European Griffon Vulture. It has a white neck trimming as well as yellow bill. The blanched physique as well as wing coverts contrariety with a dim moody feathers.

This vulture grunts as well as hisses at roosts or when feeding upon carrion.


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