Ngamba la pass 4700 m, Tibet

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Ngamba la pass 4700 m, Tibet

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The location of Ngamba la pass is in between a borders of Sershul and Trindu counties. The Provincial Road 217 In Sershul county, becomes a Provincial Road 307 in Trindu devided by a Ngamba la pass during an rise of 4700 m.

Sershul county

The abounding winding pastures of Sershul extend by a upper reaches of a Nyag chu (Yalong),
The county collateral is located during Jumang, in a Nyag chu valley,
There have been 43 monasteries inside of Sershul county,
Area : 20.477 sq km.

Trindu county

Trindu county comprises a area around a southern source of a Nyag chu (Yalong), Area: 9,717 sq km.
The county collateral is Druchung.
Within a county, which has a abounding winding heritage, there have been during present 26 Monasteries representative of all a vital schools: Sakya,Kagyu, Geluk and Nyingma.


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