
Showing posts from February, 2011

A life in exile - Lahmu, Nima, and Deschen

goddessofxanadu (back very soon!!) posted a photo: From left to right ;- Lahmu, Nima and Deschen. Many years ago,as young girls these ladies all made the terrifying journey over the mountains from their homeland in Tibet, to India to follow their beloved leader, his holiness the Dalai lama, into exile. They have spent their lives in the small mountain town of Dharamsala, living close to his holiness but far away from their beautiful, troubled homeland.

Near the Jinlong Gonpa on the Lhagang Grassland, Tibet

reurinkjan posted a photo: Like to see the pictures as LARGE as your screen? Just click on this Slideshow : I know nothing about this Monastery and campground with Picnic Tents, it lies between the village Lhagang and the sacred Mountain Zhara Lhatse on the Lhagang grassland in Dardo county, Tibet. If there is some one out there who could tell me some thing about this monastery, than please let me know.


Rene Collin posted a photo: Mysore - India

Yeah Baby ! Smells GOOD

N A Y E E M posted a photo: Please dont ask what he is doing.... whatever it is, he does it quite often.

European Otters (Conwy Valley)

Cj Roberts posted a photo: The European Otter is the most widely distributed otter species, its range including parts of Asia and Africa as well as being spread across Europe. It is believed to be currently extinct in Liechtenstein, and Switzerland, It is proven to be extinct in the Netherlands. They are now very common in Latvia, along the coast of Norway and in Northern Britain, especially Shetland where 12% of the UK breeding population exist. The European Otter's diet mainly consists of fish but can also include birds, insects, frogs, crustaceans and sometimes small mammals, including young beavers. In general this opportunism means they may inhabit any unpolluted body of freshwater, including lakes, streams, rivers, and ponds, as long as there is good supply of food. These pair were at Conwy Valley Fishery near Rowen.

vt436 red dao

retlaw snellac posted a photo:


oeyvind posted a photo: Karrie Webb of Australia hoists the winner's trophy after winning the HSBC Women's Champions golf tournament at Tanah Merah Country Club in Singapore February 27, 2011. REUTERS/Tim Chong (SINGAPORE)

White Corries Panorama

Scottish Nomad posted a photo:

vietnam - ethnic minorities

retlaw snellac posted a photo: Pa Then tribal woman (My Bac village). Locality: Concentrated in communes of Ha Giang and Tuyen Quang provinces. Customs and habits: Pa Then houses are built either on stilts, level with the ground, or half on stilts and half on the earth. Marriage is strictly forbidden within the same lineage. According to customs, after marriage the husband lives with his wife's family for a certain amount of time. If the wife has no brothers, the husband will live with his wife's family forever, and he has to worship the spirits of his wife's family. Half of the children take the family name of their father, and the rest takes the family name of their mother. The Pa Then worship their ancestors at home. They worship the spirits of the soil and the new rice crop, pray for the rain, and worship the souls of the dead. Culture: The Pa Then language belongs to the Mong-Dao Group. The Pa Then have managed to preserve a rich heritage of folk culture through leg

Nawab's Palace, Upper Dir, Pakistan

Michal Przedlacki posted a photo: Nawab's fort in Dir town. These days empty, except birds and wind rushing through empty quarters. February 2011, Pakistan. Throughout the 19th century the Khans of Dir effectively controlled only upper Dir and their attempts to dominate lower Dir and even lower Swat were strongly resisted. A notable opponent was the famous Umra Khan of Jandool, a bitter enemy of British hegemony. In 1895 he intervened in the struggle for the succession to the Mehtar of Chitral and besieged the British Political Agent. After some hesitation Khan Mohammad Sharif of Dir assisted the 10,000 strong British relief force and was duly rewarded. During the withdrawal of the relief force he met the Political Agent Malakand at Janbhatai Kandao. The resulting treaty recognized the Khan as ruler of both upper and lower Dir and also lower Swat. British protection was guaranteed provided he refrained from contact with all foreign rulers, especially with the A mir of Afghanista

Cho chu Valley. Tibet

reurinkjan posted a photo: Like to see the pictures as LARGE as your screen? Just click on this Slideshow : The ascent to the watershed Tro La pass(Cho La ), with an altitude of 4864 m, northeast of Derge (the Derge county capital), is precipitous and switchback, gradually rising above the tree line into a world of jagged snow mountains. There are magnificent views of the Dri chu (Yangtze) gorge to the southwest. On the far side of Tro La, the landscape is totally different, the enclosed forested valleys giving way to rugged open grassland. The crossroads town of Manigango is located in the grassland, 110 km from Derge, and 41 km from Tro La pass.

Queen Street, Niagara-on-the-Lake

davidgardener posted a photo: ON, CANADA: Shop fronts and the old Clock Tower of the picturesque town of Niagara-on-the-Lake, on the shores of Lake Ontario.

Glencoe's Climbing Routes

Scottish Nomad posted a photo:

Madonna di Chittagong

N A Y E E M posted a photo: And every mother is holy, the very essence of our being human, the epitome of LOVE, the symbol of sacrifice. I dont know her, she came near me as I was having my coffee in the car park, perhaps she was begging, the neon light from the 'Baskin Robbins 31' sign gave them the red and I saw glory.... Where is Michelangelo !!!! GEC, Chittagong

Great Spotted Woodpecker (Dendrocopos major) North Wales

Cj Roberts posted a photo: About blackbird-sized and striking black-and-white. It has a very distinctive bouncing flight and spends most of its time clinging to tree trunks and branches, often trying to hide on the side away from the observer. Its presence is often announced by its loud call or by its distinctive spring 'drumming' display. The male has a distinctive red patch on the back of the head and young birds have a red crown. Where to see them:Woodlands, especially with mature broad-leaved trees, although mature conifers will support them. Also in parks and large gardens. Will come to peanut feeders and birdtables. Not found in the far North of Scotland. Only a handful of pairs nest in Ireland, but numbers are increasing. Common in England and Wales. When to see them:All year round. What they eat: Insects, seeds and nuts.

Harr Harr Harr !!!!

N A Y E E M posted a photo: David is an American guy who is a regular at the Isles Bar, drinks a lot of beer, his Indian friend brings him cigars. Normally very quiet and stays alone playing with his mobile phones but he can be a handful when he starts to drink Vodka, all the more triggered by the chewing tobacco. This was after his 16th beer if I remember correctly.... Hotel Peninsula, Chittagong
oeyvind posted a photo: Chie Arimura of Japan hits an approach shot on the eighth fairway during the second round of HSBC Women's Champions golf tournament at Tanah Merah Country Club in Singapore February 25, 2011. REUTERS/Tim Chong

Why Worry ?

N A Y E E M posted a photo: The human soul could remain trapped regardless of his/her age.... " Baby I see this world has made you sad Some people can be bad The things they do, the things they say But baby I'll wipe away those bitter tears I'll chase away those restless fears That turn your blue skies into grey Why worry, there should be laughter after the pain There should be sunshine after rain These things have always been the same So why worry now Baby when I get down I turn to you And you make sense of what I do I know it isn't hard to say But baby just when this world seems mean and cold Our love comes shining red and gold And all the rest is by the way Why worry, there should be laughter after pain There should be sunshine after rain These things have always been the same So why worry now...." -Mark Knopfler ( Dire Straits )

Pico Ruivo from the Balces, Madeira

davidgardener posted a photo: PORTUGAL: The spectacular mountain landscape of central Madeira including Pico Ruivo, Maderia's heighest mountain at 1,862m (6,107ft). Viewed from the Balces, an observation point situated at 870m (2,870ft) near the settlement of Ribeiro Frio.

Tibetan gazelles Goa or Go ba (Procapra picticaudata)

reurinkjan posted a photo: Like to see the pictures as LARGE as your screen? Just click on this Slideshow : The Goa (Procapra picticaudata), also known as the Tibetan Gazelle, is a species of antelope that inhabits the Tibetan plateau. A typical goa stands about two feet (60cm) tall at the shoulder and weighs about 15kg. Males have long, tapering, ridged horns, reaching lengths of up to 14 inches (35cm). Females have no horns; neither have distinct facial markings. They are grayish brown in colour, with a short, black-tipped tail in the center of a heart-shaped white rump-patch. The thin and long legs of this elegant animal enhance its running skill, which is required to escape from predators. Mating season is in December, with young born the following May. Both Tibetans and foreigners have observed the disappearance of wildlife native to Tibet. The first Western visitors to the country frequently commented on the extent a


N A Y E E M posted a photo: Lazy and spoiled, a vagabond, a drunkard, a bad son, a bad husband or boyfriend whatever you may like to call it, a bad father you just name it. I am known to be loud and outspoken, vulgar and volatile but you know to tell the truth most of the times I love the way I am and I am famously selfish. I am Nayeem, 36 year old male and I love taking photographs. You might wish for God to help me but I dont.... GEC, Chittagong Credit : Adnan

Can u twist like me?

oeyvind posted a photo: Yani Tseng of Taiwan tees off on the fourth hole during first round of HSBC Women's Champions golf tournament at Tanah Merah Country Club in Singapore February 24, 2011. REUTERS/Tim Chong

vietnam - ethnic minorities

retlaw snellac posted a photo: Red Dao woman (Thanh San village). The Dao (pronounced Zao) are the 9th largest ethnic group in Vietnam with a population of just under 500,000. They belong to the Hmong Dao language group and are believed to have started migrating from China in the 13th century. The women wear some of the most colourful and diverse costumes of all ethnic groups but can be identified by their black trousers richly embroidered with flower or small star patterns. Their jackets can be red or black usually with embroidered borders. The ensemble is topped by a black or red turban together with chunky silver jewelry. In addition most Dao women shave off their eyebrows and foreheads as this is traditionally regarded as a sign of beauty.

Hampi - India

Rene Collin posted a photo:

You provoke me baby

N A Y E E M posted a photo: She was actually posing for her sister but if you notice you can see her eyes are looking straight at my camera. Its out of focus I know, I wouldnt have posted it, I find it a little provocative but then I am not just a husband, I like to think of myself as a photographer too and maybe a little bit of an artist. And yes, she is still my wife but its just that I have decided stop living with her.... Hotel Peninsula, Chittagong

She was there too....

N A Y E E M posted a photo: She is somebody who my daughter loves a lot, Tusine, my sister in law.... At the Valentine's day dinner. And yes, her boyfriend was there too.... The world is changing fast around here. Laguna Restaurant, Hotel Peninsula Chittagong

Palheiros in Santana, Madeira

davidgardener posted a photo: PORTUGAL: Traditional Madeirense thatched cottages (Palheiros) in the town of Santana, in the north of the island of Madeira. Originally built as farm houses, many of the remaining cottages were restored as tourist attractions or shops, but some are still lived in, particularly in Santana and nearby So Jorge.

Ribeiro Frio, Madeira

davidgardener posted a photo:

With her first offspring

N A Y E E M posted a photo: Suffering from paralysis and the crowd I thought she was sitting on her wheelchair in a corner of the restaurant. Then I saw RURU (boro dada) and thought why not a portrait of them two, they look so similar you know.... Hillol's mother with his eldest brother. Swapnil Restaurant, Buddhist Temple Road Chittagong

Tandoori Dreams

N A Y E E M posted a photo: Taken from outside, just near the entrance. The tandoori chicken, mutton and beef kebabs and a dreamy look from the chef.... Swapnil Restaurant, Buddhist Temple Road Chittagong

Miss Ariet, Anuak sudanese refugee in Gambella - Ethiopia

Eric Lafforgue posted a photo: Anuak women have their 6 front teeth removed. Anuak people are a ethnic group living on the banks of rivers both in western Ethiopia (maily in the Gambella province) and southeastern Sudan. They are about 100,000 to 150,000. Their lifestyle is based on cattle raising and farming. Their darker skin, their different culture and language (which is a nilo saharan language, different from most of the omotic languages of the other ethiopian ethnic groups), the fact that they are considered as lowlanders (in opposition with most of the ethnic groups of Ethiopia considered as highlanders make them rather different from most of the other ethiopian ethnic groups they live with. They have to face a strong discriminations, and sometimes are even slaughtered and women raped by the ethiopian soldiers or by members of militias of other ethnic groups that have not accepted the settlement of some Anuak in Ethiopia after they fled from the troubles in Sudan. In dece


oeyvind posted a photo: Golfers Michelle Wie (L) of the U.S., and compatriot Paula Creamer (R) pose with current world number one Yani Tseng of Taiwan during a photo call after a news conference ahead of the HSBC Women's Champions golf tournament in Singapore February 22, 2011. Wie was wearing a Korean traditional Hanbok costume while Creamer wore a Japanese kimono costume. REUTERS/Tim Chong

Yes, its now open now....

N A Y E E M posted a photo:

Upland Buzzard, Pika catch

reurinkjan posted a photo: Like to see the pictures as LARGE as your screen? Just click on this Slideshow : Buteo hemilasius,Upland Buzzard, od ser / Oser at Ngoring Tso lake, Mato county, is a species of bird of prey in the Accipitridae family. Large buzzard with both pale and dark morphs. Similar in plumage to others buzzards. Pale morph has lightly marked whitish head, nape and underparts with large brown spots irregularly distributed in upper breast and abdomen. Flanks and sides of the belly dark, tail with greyish centre and dark sides, tail bands prominently dark, with heavier sub-terminal band. Tarsi is fully (or at least three-quarters) feathered brown. Dark morph bird has the upper parts, lower body and wing coverts solid dark, with the flight feather pattern similar to pale morph. Normally found in open montane grass lands and cultivation in summer, wintering to lower altitudes. Frequently hovers. Hunts from air


(Jt) posted a photo: I've been awake for 26 hours. I just want to turn the light off. I can't stop a continual thought process of inane hindsight. I just want to turn off the light. My blog: View On Black .

dinnertime, tarangire, tanzania

gavin.burnett posted a photo: Within half an hour of entering our first NP in tanzania we were lucky enough to witness a lion, stalk, chase down and kill a warthog. We didn't see any action like this for the rest of the trip. Taken in Tarangire NP Tanzania. Tarangire National Park is the sixth largest national park in Tanzania after Ruaha, Serengeti, Mikumi, Katavi and Mkomazi. The name of the park originates from the Tarangire river that crosses through the park, being the only source of water for wild animals during dry seasons. The park is famous for its huge number of elephants, baobab trees and tree climbing African pythons. It lies a little distance to the south east of Lake Manyara and covers an area of approximately 2,850 square kilometres. twitter all images copyright gavin burnett 2011 please contact me for image usage

Preparing the naan

N A Y E E M posted a photo: Arguably one of the most popular breads in the world, the tandoori naan....fresh from the oven, being prepared to be served by the chef. Swapnil Restaurant, Buddhist Temple Road Chittagong

Guten Tag!

oeyvind posted a photo: Austria's President Heinz Fischer jokes as he tries to shake hands with a statue of a Mongolian warrior on exhibit at the Artscience Museum during a visit to Marina Bay Sands in Singapore February 21, 2011. REUTERS/Tim Chong


(Jt) posted a photo: Blogged: Please, View On Black .

Tro La Ri range (Cho La Ri),Tibet

reurinkjan posted a photo: Like to see the pictures as LARGE as your screen? Just click on this Slideshow : The ascent to the watershed Tro La pass(Cho La ), with an altitude of 4864 m, northeast of Derge (the Derge county capital), is precipitous and switchback, gradually rising above the tree line into a world of jagged snow mountains. There are magnificent views of the Dri chu (Yangtze) gorge to the southwest. On the far side of Tro La, the landscape is totally different, the enclosed forested valleys giving way to rugged open grassland. The crossroads town of Manigango is located in the grassland, 110 km from Derge, and 41 km from Tro La pass.

aerial coral, tanzania

gavin.burnett posted a photo: Tanzanian coral atol taken from the plane from Dar es Salaam to Mafia island. twitter all images copyright gavin burnett 2011 please contact me for image usage

Long Tail Tit (North Wales)

Cj Roberts posted a photo: The long-tailed tit, seen here in Llandudno North Wales, is easily recognisable with its distinctive colouring, a tail that is bigger than its body, and undulating flight. Gregarious and noisy residents, long-tailed tits are most usually noticed in small, excitable flocks of about 20 birds. Unusually this one was on its own. Like most tits, they rove the woods and hedgerows, but are also seen on heaths and commons with suitable bushes. Found across the UK except for the far north and west of Scotland. They can be seen in woodland, farmland hedgerows, scrubland, parkland and gardens. In winter they form flocks with other tit species.

vietnam - ethnic minorities

retlaw snellac posted a photo: Old Bo Y tribal woman (on the way to Ha Giang). Population: 1,864 people (Year 1999) Locality: Lao Cai, Yen Bai, Ha Giang and Tuyen Quang provinces. Customs and habits: Ancestor worship is the basis of Bo Y religion. The Bo Y live in houses built on the ground. There is always an extra room in this type of house constructed of wooden boards that rest on the main beams of the house. These rooms serve as the bedroom for unmarried boys and as a granary. The wedding ceremony of the Bo Y is a complicated and expensive endeavor. A unique characteristic of this wedding ceremony is that the groom does not attend the ceremony. Instead, he sends his younger sister to the bride's family to lead a pink horse during the wedding. When the parents die, the children must practice strict mourning rites, 90 days to mourn their mother and 120 days to mourn their father. Culture: The Bo Y language belongs to the Tay - Thai Group. Costumes: Women wear a full skirt, a f

Out of work

N A Y E E M posted a photo: Once he used to work as a labourer and now as the machines took over he has no job. He is still optimistic and he waits in front of a shop, hoping that somebody might hire him. This is a candid, I was waiting to pick my friend Rafiq up inside my car and after I took this he came near my window and asked me to pray for him, thats all.... Nor Ahmed Road, Chittagong

vt352 lung cu white hmongA

retlaw snellac posted a photo:


N A Y E E M posted a photo: Well, I have tried in my way to be nice even though I know I am not. I guess we were never meant to be together. Yes, it has been so many times, on and off and there's no point in being a part-time couple since we got a daughter. A Valentine's day portrait and perhaps the last one I ever take of her. I am sorry but a decision has to be reached.... What a Valentine's night I had, I slept alone and my heart was broken, surely an unforgettable one.... Laguna Restaurant, Hotel Peninsula Chittagong


goddessofxanadu (back very soon!!) posted a photo: I met her when we were doing our washing in the lake...she wondered why I didn't hire a dhobi walla to do my washing for me...and I felt a bit silly saying that I liked the feeling of washing my clothes in the lake, it was obvious, i guess i was just revelling in the novelty, which would have no doubt worn off very soon..while she probably had no money for the dhobi's services.... She was very shy about have her photo taken, eventually i persuaded her. You can see from her eyes that she still isn't sure about it.

Himba man - Angola

Eric Lafforgue posted a photo: In Angola, all the Himba tribe men wear a kind of scarf on their head. Few accept to show what's inside! This is the haircut they wear. If they have someone who dies in their family, they will shave their head. Eric Lafforgue


N A Y E E M posted a photo: An experiment ! maybe she saw it as a glimmer of hope or maybe she was so very bored. Karin plays with my lighter, she was the one who took the previous picture that I uploaded. Such a wonderful woman to hang around with. Khulshi, Chittagong

It wasnt me....

N A Y E E M posted a photo: I mean I didnt take this, infact on the left of the frame is my hand with that cigarette. I will reveal who took it in my next upload but in the meantime let me explain what happened here. That evening four of us were having some beer and Thai food in a make-shift restaurant where they actually give massages to people, a Thai Spa as they call it. Once Bipul (seen here) and I and a few others used to hang around near the Royal Hut kebab house during the evenings and we did that for almost over a year. This was after a long time that we sat down for some beer and we had a special guest who captured this fine portrait in my opinion. Khulshi, Chittagong