Upland Buzzard, Pika catch

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Upland Buzzard, Pika catch

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Buteo hemilasius,Upland Buzzard, od ser / Oser at Ngoring Tso lake, Mato county, is a species of bird of prey in the Accipitridae family.

Large buzzard with both pale and dark morphs. Similar in plumage to others buzzards. Pale morph has lightly marked whitish head, nape and underparts with large brown spots irregularly distributed in upper breast and abdomen. Flanks and sides of the belly dark, tail with greyish centre and dark sides, tail bands prominently dark, with heavier sub-terminal band. Tarsi is fully (or at least three-quarters) feathered brown. Dark morph bird has the upper parts, lower body and wing coverts solid dark, with the flight feather pattern similar to pale morph.

Normally found in open montane grass lands and cultivation in summer, wintering to lower altitudes. Frequently hovers. Hunts from air or ground. Breeds between April and August on crags and ledges of cliffs. Nest is made of sticks and well lined. Feeds on small mammals, birds and insects.

It is found in Bhutan, Tibet and its Tibetan Plateau,China, Hong Kong, India, Pakistan, Iran, Japan, Kazakhstan, North Korea, South Korea, Mongolia, Nepal, Tajikistan, and Uzbekistan.
Russia in S Siberia and E to Manchuria. Winters in N India (Kashmir to Sikkim), E China and Korea.


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