Taktsang Lhamo farmland

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Taktsang Lhamo    farmland

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Taktsang Lhamo (Langmusi in Chinese) is a pleasing tiny Tibetan town straddling a Gansu-Sichuan limit in easterly Amdo. While Rebkong as well as Labrang have been often tillage areas, Taktsang Lhamo is often a winding region. Large herds of yaks as well as sheep can be found as well as Tibetans live in traditional style tents during a summer as well as fall. Two large monasteries, Sertri as well as Kirti, have been in a area. The town, lying at 3300m, is surrounded by plateau that have been covered in sleet for many of a year. Taktsang Lhamo offers excellent horse trekking by a grasslands as well as mountains.

During a Cultural Revolution all a monasterys in Taktsang Lhamo where totally devastated . In 1981 Tibetans began reconstruction , these monasterys right away houses about 400 monks.


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