Textile Heaven...and the nature of things

goddessofxanadu( busy, please excuse!! ) posted a photo:

Textile Heaven...and a inlet of things

I adore palm woven textiles, as well as have collected them since we was about 18. But newly my seductiveness has been flog proposed by a wonderful brand new discovery...It proposed when we was operative during a small festival by a canals in small venice, we found a case offered all things Bolivian, including these gorgeous Awayos ( or Licclla's in Aymara, a denunciation of a Quechua a people who have them)

I paid for one, bewitched by a pleasing weaving, a colors as well as textures. Then we paid for a book on a subject as well as my obsession was born.

Did we know which a Quechua feel which weavings have been alive as well as sacred? they wobble their dreams, hopes as well as memories in to a cloth, as well as never work during their warp if they feel ill, or in bad mood..futhermore, anyone in a bad mood should not try in to a place where weaving is being done. There have been most small rules like this to ensure a weavings have been filled with positive energy.

The accomplished pieces have been astonishingly beautiful,breathtaking. we can't discuss it we how most pleasure we get from only sitting as well as seeking during them!

I was unhappy to see however, which in most instances a weavings have been being cut up to have bags, wallets as well as clothes to sell to tourists. The Quechua abhore this practise, they courtesy a textile as 'dead' when it has been cut up in to a garland of wallets, bags as well as pants..i even saw some done in to earings, tiny pieces of a remains of a peoples hopes dreams as well as memories swinging from a ears of tourists.

So we treat them very respectfully...but we consternation unequivocally if we should buy them during all, if they should leave Bolivia in a initial place. The question niggles away during me.

But for now we am hug! ely enjo ying their colour, regard as well as texture.. as well as especially a stories as well as story behind them...treasures, in each sense of a word.


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